Why not be real

I'm sitting at my desk and I have my journal open, ready to write an entry for today. 1/5/22. My little space heater rotates and every few seconds I am blessed with comforting warmth on my legs. I have a cup of hot coffee, relaxing music is playing, and a candle is burning to my … Continue reading Why not be real

Called to be child-like

If you're a Christian, you're most likely familiar with the passage in Matthew 18 where Jesus is asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" "And He said, 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself … Continue reading Called to be child-like

One day

You're in your late eighties. An overwhelming sense of fear and anxiety weighs on your chest, not due to the fact that you are dying...but due the fact that as you sit back and reflect on your eighty-some years, you've realized that your greatest fear had come true. You have wasted your life. You have … Continue reading One day